
Buying your first handgun

What if I told you that buying your first handgun was nothing like you think it will be? Honestly, I would be guessing because I have no way of knowing exactly what you think the process will be like. What I can tell you with complete confidence, is that the process is nothing like most […]

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5 different guns on the table

Try a Gun Before You Buy

I realize the concept I’m about to talk about might be lost on some people in today’s “I’ll just buy it on Amazon sight-unseen” age, but try and imagine this for me: You’re going to run a half marathon. You’ve got to get some shoes for it. You’ll be putting some serious miles on those

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gun shop rules for new shooter

Gun Shop Dos and Don’ts

Welcome back Welcome to Cobalt Firearm Instruction’s Gun Shop Dos and Don’ts. I know what some of you are thinking, and the answer is no. This isn’t going to be another rant by an angry gun-shop employee about all of the insanely unsafe customers they see walking through the door every day. Those are scary

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