Big Things In The Works

Dear Readers,

Its been a while since our last blog post – and some of you may be wondering “what’s happening”. The Short answer? We got swamped. We’ve been working to improve and expand our content delivery systems (This site, Instagram, Facebook, mobile instruction, etc.) – while running our training classes and, in concert with one of our partners, Clark Brothers, hosted a rather interesting visitor (who we’re going to highlight in some upcoming videos). Feeding the content beast while doing all this was a challenge, and made us realize that we had to find new ways to capture and disseminate our content more efficiently. Read on to find out what we have coming up!

First off, I apologize for not being here consistently, and that’s about to change in a BIG WAY.

It’s been more than a month since anything new has gone up on our blog – but it’s not because we weren’t working behind the scenes. I have been waiting until a few things were finalized to roll out the announcement.

What happened..

We hit a natural break point in the content we’ve been making for you. So far, we have covered what I like to call the “Basic New Shooter Introduction” topics.

Topics such as:

It occurred to us that the next natural step for the new shooter would be to cover the topics of Basic marksmanship training, outfitting the new shooter (shooting gear they will ACTUALLY need, how to use it, and more.. not just paid reviews), and a general explanation (and de-mystification) of what to expect as they begin their shooting career. I knew the need still exists (even with ALL the gun-centric YouTube channels & “how-to” videos out there) to reach new and potential shooters WHERE THEY ARE RIGHT NOW and address the questions and challenges they have on a day to day basis. All this was happening in concert with us trying to find a way to continue working with our incredible students after they finish their course with CFI, giving them the information and guidance to keep building on the great foundation they’ve laid working with Cobalt Firearm Instruction out on the range.

That was an exciting prospect, but I KNEW these topics would require more than just words and a few photographs like we’ve been doing up to this point.


Cobalt Firearm Instruction is in the process of upgrading our content delivery system to help us more efficiently and effectively reach as many people as possible with the most accessible content we can deliver. This will all fall under the umbrella of…

CFI Academy

We’re in the final stages of completing our new video studio that we will use to help augment our written posts with VIDEOS. You can convey SO MUCH MORE in a video than you can with plain text, especially when it comes to the nuances of firearms training. We’ll also be developing video-only training content, on both general firearms knowledge and specific training methods. CFI Academy videos (long form training, short form videos, range musings, continued learning for students, and more) will be stored here, on the site, as well as on YouTube.

CFI Academy will go a step beyond our blog posts, to give you easy access to videos that you can add to your training regimen immediately.

Long story short.. You’ve been patient, and we’re excited to be able to deliver you even MORE moving forward.

Sure, this has us really excited at CFI – but YOU are the audience, let us know what YOU think.

Send us your ideas for videos or topics that you would like covered. We want to hear from you what your needs are.

If you have something you’d like to see covered, you can comment below, or you can contact us on:

  • Instagram (@cobaltfirearm)
  • Facebook (Cobalt Firearm Instruction)
  • Website Contact Forms (all over the website)

So keep your eyes open, we expect to be rolling out all these new changes in about two weeks time (Circa mid June 2019.)

Thanks again for your patience and patronage.

Stay Smart, Stay Safe, Never Stop Improving!

Sincerely, Chris Murphy.

1 thought on “Big Things In The Works”

  1. I was getting worried…glad you are back. Looking forward to the new videos. keep up the good work.

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